About Me

Welcome to Simplicity it Key!  My name is Mosby and I am so happy to have you here! I am here to share life with you and love you when you need it! So grab your favorite drink and stay around for a little while!

The number one question I get when I meet people is how to pronounce my name.  So for all of you reading who don't know me and are curious here is how you say it:

m oh z b ee 
Not too hard at all!  

I am currently in my second year of grad school getting my Masters in Mental Health Counseling at Southeastern University in my hometown in Florida.  I absolutely love what I do and the people that I work with.  I am currently an intern at Lighthouse Ministries working with the women and children there.  If you would like to learn more about what I do go here.

I am a big family person.  I moved back to my hometown so that I could be closer to them and I would not change that decision for anything.  We all love having time with just the six of us and maybe before too long we might be adding some members!

My love for Christ is one of the biggest parts of my life.  I love my church, and I love praising my God!  I love that I attend a Christian school and that we can bring up our beliefs in every class.  God is my rock and my shelter and I would not be able to go through this life without Him!

I also fully believe in the use of sarcasm. Sometimes you will never know if I am being serious or not, and I love that.  I make jokes out of everything.  Laughing is one of my favorite things to do.  Thank goodness for a family and friends who do the same:)

I hope you feel like you know a little more about me now! If not keep reading the blog and you will get a good idea!

If you would like to contact me send me an email anytime! mmhardin26@gmail.com


Katharine said...

Hi! Dropping by from Mackey Madness! Found your comment and thought I should say Hi. I'm loving your blog and been backreading some posts!:) I love that you also love God :D

Your newest follower,

Mosby Hardin said...

Thanks so much for stopping by:)

Rach said...

Whoa! Your first name is my maiden last name! I've never met anyone with "Mosby" as a first name, but I have totally thought about naming one of our kids that to pass on the family name! I love it! And I love that you love Jesus and that you love your family. All so wonderful! :)

Anonymous said...

Girl I love that you go to a Christian college, too! I go to Harding University in Searcy, AR. How great is it that we can praise and speak about Christ in class? You're presh, love your blog!

Hayley! said...

You are too cute! I'm following you through Bloglovin' now and would LOVE to do a button swap with you. :) Just check out my "team up" section if you're up for it!

Diwakar said...

Hello, Mohzbee, so good to know you through your profile on the blogger. I am glad stop by your blog and know you more and your love for the Lord, love for the Church and parising the Lord which has is a connecting point for me. I am from Mumbai, India and I am in the Pastoral ministry. Our church reachout to the poorest of poor living in the slums of Mumbai with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We also encourage young people like you as well as adults to come on a short term missions trip to work with us. We would love to have you come alongwith your friends on a short term missions trip and work with us. My email id is :dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede

Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

Hey girlie!! I'm your newest follower and I'm so looking forward to getting to know you better! Heather @ http://weareadifferentkindofwoman.blogspot.com/

Samantha said...

I am so sarcastic too! It's hard because some people just totally don't get it... found your blog and nominated you for the Liebster award :)


Note the Obvious said...

There definitely needs to be more people like you in this world. There is not enough advocacy for mental health. Kudos to you for making a difference in this world! I've been dealing with severe anxiety and depression my whole life.