Monday, March 28, 2011

Shopping with the Besties

So this weekend has consisted of so many trips to the mall that it has almost made me not want to go back for a LONG time.  It actually started Wednesday and never seemed to end.  You see this weekend is Milligan's Junior/Senior Banquet and of course my two best friends are going.  Eliza will be there on business, and Ashlee will be there for fun.  So since they both decided to go they both needed new dresses, shoes, and accessories.  Wednesday we went in search of Eliza's dress, and of course I picked it out and it is absolutely PERFECT for her.  Then on Saturday me and Ashlee went in search of her dress and found the one perfect for her.  Come Sunday though they both still needed shoes and accessaries.

So we headed out on what I thought was going to be about an hour long trip to the mall with the girls.  I had on what I wore to church, which had included heels.  Little did I know we would end up being at the mall for hours and with some added people.

Let me just let you all know, being the 5th wheel, even if it is with your two best friends, is not always fun.  Granted we had a great time and it was not too bad, but when you add boys into the mix it just makes shopping take so much longer.

Eventually we found all of the shoes, accessories, ties, pants, and everything else you could possibly need for Junior/Senior.  Oh and we had a little fun in the mix of it all too.

The only way to make Ashlee any where near the same height as Eliza....put her in 5 inch heels! (BTW Ashlee cannot walk in heels)

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