Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sometimes and Always #14

Another link-up today! I feel like I have been posting mainly link-ups lately, but I kinda really like them...so deal with it!

Sometimes... Mamerz buys me bags, clothes, or any other wearable items and I think "when am I ever going to wear this?" or "is this even my style?"
Always... At some point in time, maybe even 6 months later, I realize she did an awesome job and become obsessed with what she bought!

Like this bag.  Currently OBSESSED!

Sometimes...I get really discouraged about my shoulder
Always...I find something to cheer me up.  Like Physical Therapy today.  That lady was supes nice and told me all will be good:)

Sometimes...I dread having to come home from work and cook my meals
Always...I know it is worth it.  And yummy.  And I feel like a man at my grill!

Sometimes...I get wayyyy to involved in the shows I watch
Always...How can I not?! I mean some of those housewives need some serious help!

Sometimes... My friends have super awesome weekends
Always...It makes my heart happy to see them happy

Sometimes... When I tell people that I am a double major in Child Development and Psychology they look at me like I am crazy
Always...It makes me feel smart.  And I know God has called me to work with kids...even the crazies need some lovin:)


MostWhatMatters said...

Check out my Sometimes & Always when you get a chance! Loved your list today! MostWhatMatters I teach Psychology undergraduate level. I love it too!

Amy said...

I can COMPLETELY relate to your first Sometimes/Always! My mom always buys me clothes that I never think I will wear. She bought me a leather jacket a few years ago that I "didn't think I could pull off." I now wear it ALL the time! And I get wayyy too involved with my TV shows too :)

Mosby Hardin said...

Checked yours out this morning and I loved it! I LOVE psych! So much fun!!

Mosby Hardin said...

So glad I am not the only one who does this!!