Monday, April 11, 2011

5 homework assignments, 3 tests, and 1 paper later....

My life this past week has been crammed full of all kinds of school work.  I have had homework assignments out the wahzoo and then on top of that 3 tests and a paper to write.  It has just been a crazy hectic week that I can't wait to be done with, and that will hopefully be on Wednesday.

Most college students weekends are filled with relaxing and having fun with their friends.  Not mine.  I woke up early on Saturday to go help with Milligan's Spring Orientation.  I get all the way down there and then they tell me they don't really need me, but to hang out for a little bit just to make sure.  An hour later I finally make it back to my dorm.  I then spent the afternoon working on what was suppose to be 3 little easy assignments, not true.  Those three assignments took me forever.  Then a tornado hits near us and all of Johnson City lost electricity, fortunately Milligan did not.  So since I couldn't really go anywhere without risking my life, I decided to take one of my tests since it was online.  2 hours later I was starving and needed to get out of the dorm.  So I went into town (electricity finally came back on right as I left) and went shopping for things I needed for Sunday School and to pick up some food.  Finally that night I did have some fun with friends when we had game night over at Ashlee's house.

The next morning (Sunday) I woke up early because I had yet to really look over what I needed to do for Sunday School at my church.  So I got ready and did that.  Got to Harrison, taught my lesson to two VERY rambunctious first and second graders, and then had to make my way across town to go to another Sunday School class.  See my Media class has a group project and we have been teaching a lesson to 5th and 6th graders about The Chronicles of Narnia.  Finally once that was over I was able to make my way back to the dorm with a massive headache! After grabbing some food I decided my best bet was to try and get some sleep since I had been out late the previous night and knew I had tons of homework still to do that night.  2 and a half hours later I woke up refreshed and I guess you could say ready to go (not really because who seriously wants to be doing homework on a Sunday night?!)  So I then worked from 5-8 on making notecards for my Leadership test that I have on Tuesday.  Then after that I worked from about 9-11:30 on a paper I also have due this week for my Leadership class.  After that I worked for another hour one those stupid notecards.  Needless to say come 1 a.m. I was exhausted and needed to go to bed!

So that was my weekend.  I wish I could have said it was fun filled and stress free, but it wasn't.  But hey every now and then we all have to sit down and have a weekend like that!

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