Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December Goals

Usually I do not do monthy goals.  I have not always been the best at keeping up with them and I don't want to fail.  But this month I have some good goals that I really want to keep!

1. Buy all gifts before Devember 20.  I am usually really good at getting my shopping done early, and this year I want to do the same!

2.  Give back to someone this season.  Any random act of kindness.  I have some ideas and will share when this is complete:)

3.  Stop complaining.  I want to have a holly jolly Chistmas and that can't happen if I am always complaining.

4.  Eat clean.  I did really well on my AdvoCare 24 day Challenge (results to come soon) and I am remotivated to keep eating clean and getting healthy!

5.  Spend quality time with friends.  In order to develop friendships you have to put in the hours.  And that is what I want to do!

Come back in January and see if I was able to complete all these goals!


Miss Riss said...

All good stuff! Can't wait to hear how your Advocare experience went!

MontgomeryFest said...

That's a pretty solid list. Props!