Wednesday, January 29, 2014

TGBTB Vacations!


Today I am letting the video speak for itself.  Because as I sit here (the night before) writing this I just can't write anything more.  It was a rough day with a stupid stupid paper.  So have fun watching and leave some love…I need it!



Brittany said...

fun I love the idea of restaurant hopping.

Miss Riss said...

I think you've nailed this whole vlogging thing. Also, on an unrelated note, you wrote something on Twitter (I think?) the other day about your hair length: quite frankly I'm totally diggin this inbetween, shoulder-length hair. Looks good on you!

Elizabeth @ Cheers, Elizabeth said...

My mother and father in law live in Mount Pleasant, right outside of Charleston! My husband took me through once when we were down visiting them! I'd love to go and spend a few days there!
I love the idea of restaurant hopping! What a great way to get to experience a few different places all at once!

Susannah said...

Oh my word! Sounds like so much fun!!! :-) Can I join your family??? ;-)

Anonymous said...

A restaurant hop sounds SO FUN! I think i'm going to steal this idea! PS I don't super love oysters either

angibobangi said...

Oh my gosh what a fun idea! I am totally stealing it and doing it with some girlfriends SOON. And Charleston sounds downright delightful! I'm sticking it on my list of "Visit soon" places :)

Kerrie Williams said...

i love this idea as well!

Rachel said...

I've never been to Charleston--but that sounds like a fun adventure! I can understand why you want to go back!