Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What I Love Most About Christmas

Girl Between the Lines Link up

I am linking up with Lauren and Haley again for the Girl Between The Lines link up! This weeks topic is what we love most about the Holliday season!

This was super easy for me. As you all may know I am huge on love languages. And mine that I give out is gift giving. So it should be no surprise that my favorite part of the holidays is giving gifts! I love the planning, the buying, the crafting, and watching the people I love most open them!

I work really hard at making sure I get just the right gift for everyone. It is never random and there is always a reason I got you what I did. I love thoughtful and meaningful gifts. Not just some random thing bought from a store. 

I am BEYOND excited for all of my gifts this year! Every single one is great and I cannot wait to give them out. And I cannot wait to share some of my favorites on here! Here are some gifts from Christmas past that I have loved giving!

This H was made two Christmas' ago.  Here is the tutorial for how I made it (SO EASY).  I made it for Mom and it now hangs in our kitchen at home.  I LOVE it and get so many compliments on it all them time.  The best part was Mom was stunned by the gift.  No one was expecting anything like this so I loved the big reveal!

Last year I made wreaths for Mom and Mattie.  The one above is Mattie's hung in her apartment.  I have even redone mom's so that it looked fresh.  I love the personalization and creativity behind wreaths.  Plus super simple!

And last year I got this tumbler for those girls! The M is for Milligan and then everyone had their name on theirs (not mine…that would have been weird).  It was senior year and I wanted all of us to have a little something to remind us of Milli.  And they got used ALL. THE. TIME.  Someone even asked if one of us went to the book store and bought the cup and then personalized it.  I would say I did pretty dang well with this one!

So as you can see I put a lot of time and meaning into my gifts.  I love gift giving.  And now I cannot wait to see what everyone else's have thing about Christmas is!

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Last week was a crazy week for me.  Hence why there were not many blog posts from me.  Monday and Tuesday weren't too bad. Normal days of sleeping in and getting homework done.  I had spent the previous week at my parents, so I was also cleaning and getting everything back together from not being there.

Wednesday was my first day of subbing.  It was only a half day, but it was more eventful than any other day I have had.  So much so, it is getting its own post tomorrow.  And then I worked from 3-7 at the gym.  And then I went to see The Hunger Games for the second time with friends.  Bad decision.  That was the night the exhaustion started.

Thursday I subbed again.  For a kindergarten class.  They are just SO much work.  They are cutelittle  loves, but I was tired and really did not want to hear one more time how to do something.  The teacher also had literally every minute of the day planned for me.  No joke.  So I was a wee bit stressed when I started to fall behind with assignments.  But the kids went with me on it and we made it work!

After subbing all day, I got off at 3 and raced to the gym.  I was there till 10 that night.  And I was pretty busy most of the night.  I was exhausted and just wanted to go home and sleep.  I had also decided I was not going to sub on Friday and instead sleep in and clean and relax. 

And then I got the phone call Friday morning.  The sweet teacher who called is a friend and had lost a family member and really needed me.  There was no way I could say no.  And of course she taught kindergarten.  I was in for a very long day.  The kids constantly talked.  They could not work independently at all and I was SO tired after working 14 hours the day before.                     

By the time I got home at 4 I wanted to go to bed but I was also starving.  I orded a pizza because I had no food.  Had a little drink.  And then passed out on the couch by 6.  Im telling you friends I was exhausted.  6 hours of sleep has never been enough for me. I woke up at 8, turned off the lights and called it a night.  And then slept until 7:30 the next morning.

I have never felt so refreshed.  Sleep is everything to me and when I miss out on it I crash and want to cry all the time.  Im actually surprised I never did.  Hopefully this week won't be as time consuming and hard. 

Fortunately as you see above, I have the best cuddle bunny ever.  I love that kid and don't know what I would do without all his snuggles:)

And She Fainted

I mentioned yesterday about the crazy day I had last week. Well here is the story!

Last Wednesay I went to go sub at one of the elementary schools for a 5th grade classroom.  It was only going to be half a day since the school has early realease days.  And it was fifth graders.  How much easier could it get for a sub?!

Well it was the craziest day I have ever had as a sub.  All was going fine and dandy.  I gave out the math assignment and after walking around and checking their work, I told everyone they had to bring me their paper to check before they could turn it in.  And everyone did, excpet for one young lady.

I looked up and saw her at one of the computers.  I asked if she had let me check her paper first and of course the answer was no.  I asked her to get her paper from the box and let me check it.  She tripped over a few back packs on her way over, but all was well.  Girl friend had had tons of enery all morning long.

She brought me her paper and as I was looking it over she stepped to my side.  Next thing I know she crumpled/fell straight back and hit the ground.  My first thought was she has tripped again.  But then she didnt get up.  And then she started rolling and makng stranged noise and he eyes were closed.  That was when I knew something was wrong.

I immediately had a student run next door and grab another teacher while I called the front office.  I then took my class to the other teachers class to watch them while the nurse took care of my student. I was completely shaken up, as were my students.  I asked if this had ever happened before to which they said no.  I calmed them all down and then went to talk to the nurse about what I saw happened.

They say she fainted/blacked out.  But honestly I kept thinking it had to be more than that.  She had not complained once that morning that she didnt feel well or was tired.  I found out yesterday when I subbed for her classes again that she had low sugars that day. I told her she may have tried, but she has not scared me away from the fifth grade!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Girl Between the Lines

Girl Between the Lines Link up
My real life bestie Lauren and her friend Haley came up with this awesome link-up! And well why would I not want to link-up!? More chance to tell you more about me? My kind of post!

This weeks prompt is to share a picture of ourselves and give three things we love about ourselves.

1.  I love that I do not take most things in life seriously.  As seen by the picture above.  I have more fun in life when I can laugh and just have fun!

2.  I love that I have a huge heart.  When I love, I love hard.  And I welcome just about anyone into my big heart.

3.  I love my tenacity.  When I set my mind on something, I will accomplish it and not let anything get in my way.  Some call me stubborn, I say tenacious.

PS I took forever trying to figure out which picture to use.  
PPS I had to look up the definition of tenacity to make sure I was using it right.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December Goals
Usually I do not do monthy goals.  I have not always been the best at keeping up with them and I don't want to fail.  But this month I have some good goals that I really want to keep!

1. Buy all gifts before Devember 20.  I am usually really good at getting my shopping done early, and this year I want to do the same!

2.  Give back to someone this season.  Any random act of kindness.  I have some ideas and will share when this is complete:)

3.  Stop complaining.  I want to have a holly jolly Chistmas and that can't happen if I am always complaining.

4.  Eat clean.  I did really well on my AdvoCare 24 day Challenge (results to come soon) and I am remotivated to keep eating clean and getting healthy!

5.  Spend quality time with friends.  In order to develop friendships you have to put in the hours.  And that is what I want to do!

Come back in January and see if I was able to complete all these goals!