Sunday, April 13, 2014

7 Days To Live

Yesterday in church the pastor gave a sermon on the last 7 days of Jesus' life with the application being "How would you live if you only had 7 days to live?" If you want to hear the sermon it should be online sometime this week here

This sermon really got me thinking about how I would spend my time if I knew I would only have 7 days to live.  If you listen to the sermon then you will know that Pastor Jay pointed out ways we should live that time as a Christian.  Much of what he had to say really shouldn't even be left to the last 7 days, but should be what we do on a regular basis. A lot of prayer, setting things right with God, forgiveness, and reaching out to others.

For myself I started thinking about what I would do in reality if I knew I only had 7 days to live.  Who would I want to spend my time with?  What would I want to do?  Are there any stones I have left unturn?

First and foremost I think I would want to make sure all plans for after I die are set.  I don't want others having to do that, so why not take care of it then?

Then I would want to be with my family.  I would want to be on the boat, in the sun, enjoying time with my family.  They are my whole world and the ones I know would need the most comfort.  Knowing I will be seeing them again in Heaven would definitely make it easier on me.

There are definitely some reconciliations I would need to make.  Ones that weigh heavily on me.  Ones that I should be taking care of even now when I have more than 7 days to live.  This is probably the number one thing I took away from the sermon.  Why wait when I have the time now to make amends?

Friends.  Oh my friends.  I would see them too.  I would find a place for us to all meet and pay for everyone to get there, that way no excuses could be made.  I want to see my girls and get in one last girls night to last till I see them again.

And then I would just relax.  I would reminisce and think about all the good times.  Lots of laughter and tears.  All with my favorite people.  I would live it up and not second guess or stop myself from doing anything.  I mean I only have 7 days and then I am in Heaven! What could be better?

If you knew you only had 7 days to live what would you do?

1 comment:

Neisha said...

I would definitely spend time with my family and friends. This is kind of a common question but it gets me thinking every time. It really makes you see what's really important and what's just extra.