There are a couple variations to this. The guys typically go naked, and the girls will untie the lady before being thrown in! Over all we have a blast doing this!
Last Friday I got to participate in my first ever creeking! Lauren got engaged last summer and we have been waiting for just the right time to get her!! We totally caught her off guard. She screamed before we tied her up "Ah I hate you!" But she deep down loved it! She even thanked us all for doing it at the end of the night!
Just so you know, almost all creeking pictures end up blurry. There is always just so much going on!
Jessi practicing how to tie Lauren up
In the hall waiting to go get her!
She was so surprised! Thanks goodness she wasn't in any nice clothes!
Jessi tying her up
And here they go carrying her out of the dorm!
Outside we go...
She was one happy camper about being creeked!
Everyone so excited to be creeking her!
Carrying her down to the creek.
About to "throw" her in.
The barely tossed her in. I thought they were wayyy too nice about it!
Everyone who helped creek Lauren!
Jacob, Lauren's fiance, was able to be there to watch.
Oh we had so much fun! And I cannot wait for the next one...BECKY!