Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Hard Transition

This weekend started one of the hardest transitions in my life.  I have officially not moved back to Milligan and I have officially started my Graduate student career.   And I wanted to cry all weekend because of it...a few of those tears were shed.

You see Milligan was my life for 4 years.  My friends were there, my professors were there, and it was home to me.  Watching so many others move back in this weekend broke my heart.  Honestly that is not even close to an exaggeration.

I had orientation on Sunday for Grad school.  It wasn't the same (it was a huge scary place).  I knew no one and talked to almost no one.  Everyone tried to call me Mary even though I insisted (and wore and name tag) that I went by my middle name Mosby.  It wasn't home and I didn't feel like I fit in.

Southeastern is a good school.  It is where God has called me to be.  So why am I so NOT happy about it right now?  I was so excited about it, but after yesterday I am having major mixed feelings about my decision.

I know I need to give it time.  I know I need to stop comparing it to Milligan.  I know God has a plan and in His time it will be revealed.  I just hope it is sooner rather than later.

On a positive note I get to see my best friends in 3 days!!!! Nothing could be better than being back home in Tennessee! 

1 comment:

Miss Riss said...

You got it girl. You will adjust and you will love it! When I was younger, making the transition from Jr. High to high school, my dad told me something that resonated with me that still creeps into my mind whenever something new is coming, he said, "it's time to stop being afraid of change." It's pretty simple but I always freaked out as a kid (and even now, as an adult) when things in my life were changing. So whenever I start to worry I just remind myself, "it's time to stop being afraid of change." It will all work out. Stay positive!!