Friday, December 14, 2012

Home At Last and Good News

After a way too long week of exams, I am home at last! I was so ready to leave Milligan and head south that I did something I normally wouldn't do...I left as soon as my last exam was over and drove straight home.

Usually I break the 11 hour trip up.  Or I really don't like driving at night so I will leave early enough so that I don't have to.  But this semester none of that matter even a little bit.  I just wanted to go home.

Do yall ever try to race your GPS? I always want to see how many minutes I can knock off the original time the GPS gives me. 

Super stoked because this time I was able to beat it by over 10 minutes! Also please ignore the part of the picture that shows me speeding.  I would never do that...

In order to keep me awake during the trip lots of caffeine was in order.  And this resulted in a major dancing and singing party come 7 p.m.  It was dark, I was tired, and if only there was a video to show my awesomeness.  Pretty sure everyone who passed me was making fun of me!

I also was listening to J.K Rowling's new book.  Yes I listen to audiobooks...lame I know.  But it helps me stay awake sometimes.  And let's just say I was not a fan of this book.  I seriously started to wonder how many more times she could use the Fword.

And now time for the good news! First and foremost I got accepted into my first Grad School.  After my interview with Milligan, they called to let me know they would love to have me! So stoked to know that while this may not be my first choice, at least I WILL be going to school!

Also I got a 100% on my last final! I was proud so I thought I would share that too!

Now I am off to continue enjoying my day at home with Mamerz:)

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