Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sometimes and Always #18

This week Tuesday is my Thursday, which means I only have one more day till I get to go relax down at the beach:)  So let's have a little Sometimes and Always to celebrate that!

Sometimes...Seeing best friends is just what I need
Always...I am so thankful for the time I get to spend with them (too bad me and Beck forgot to take pictures yesterday)

Sometimes...My driving skills are not all that great
Always...I do the best I can and laugh it off.  Like when I drive in parking garages...

Sometimes...I get obsessed with new shows I find on Netflix
Always...I wish I had just started watching the show when it first started
Currently been watching Pretty Little Liars every chance I get!

Sometimes... I feel like it is time to head back to Milli right now
Always...I need to remind myself the time will come and with it I will then be wishing it was time to come back home

Hope everyone has a happy Tuesday:)

1 comment:

Angie said...

Happy Tuesday Freiend...Yay for short work weeks :)