Thursday, March 7, 2013

I Got My First No Ever

Today I received my first ever rejection letter. Four years ago when I applied for undergrad I never received a no from a school.  I got into all three of the ones I applied to, and got to choose where I wanted to go.

Well during this grad school application process I knew I should expect to get a no.  In fact the one I got I actually wanted.  I did not want to be accepted to USF.  I did not want to be part of that program after the interview I had with them.

I am 100% completely OK and even happy and even relieved that I did not get into USF.  I could not have had a worse interview with them, and I didn't want to have to make the choice about going there.  Sometimes having decisions made for you can be a good thing!

Tomorrow I have my last interview with a school here in Tennessee.  Pretty sure it cannot get worse than last week, but none the less I am praying for it to go well! After that I can FINALLY make a final decision and move forward!